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Zhejiang Daily praised the joint innovation laboratory of TKG


The cooperation model and innovative value of the Joint Innovation Laboratory have also received attention and praise from many media, including Zhejiang Daily. Received widespread attention and encouragement from society. The laboratory brings more opportunities to production and development. Give participating companies more possibilities for optimization and upgrading.

The laboratory is based on building an open, cooperative, and shared platform, integrating technologies, talents, and resources from all parties to achieve industrial technological innovation. At present, cooperation in technology research and development, achievement transformation, talent training and other aspects has achieved phased results, which has better promoted the development of participating companies, promoted product refinement, and given more opportunities for product iteration. The report emphasizes the important role of laboratories in promoting innovative development and resource utilization, and affirms TKG's leading role in the joint innovation laboratory project. In the future, Token will better play its guiding role and fully demonstrate the value of the laboratory.

TKG will continue to increase investment in research and development, use innovation as the driving force, and continuously improve the company's core competitiveness. At the same time, TKG will continue to play the main role of corporate technological innovation, work with partners, and use the joint innovation laboratory as a carrier to deepen industry-university-research cooperation and promote industrial transformation and upgrading. Open up a larger market, unleash the power of the enterprise, and strive to promote the development of the industry. Do your job down to earth, collaborate with participating companies to make better products, and develop better! Don’t forget your original intention and keep your mission in mind! Improve product competitiveness and improve corporate competitiveness!